Our Words &
Our Thoughts
Create Our Reality…
So Speak Life
All words around us…whether external or internal…speak to the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of Darkness. What are you speaking into your life? What do you need to let go? Have you surrendered to Jesus yet?
My hope and prayer is that these messages speak life into your spirit!
Riding High With the W
Everyone loves a win…a great comeback story…or when the underdog gets their victory. The W means success! It’s the reward for the hard work and perseverance. It can bring joy, money, opportunity and can smooth the path ahead. Many of us live for the W. I know I did.
But there is a more important W from which we can find peace, joy and the presence of God.
The Wait.
Life is full of waiting before the glorious win…
For His Eyes Only
Our plans don’t seem to be working out! We are in a season of endurance. Remember, when we commit our plans to the Lord, they will succeed. We don’t need the blueprint for our lives, we already have the Master Plan! Read on for guidance in His word.
Words Matter
Words have power. Are your words life-giving or soul-draining? My new BLOG explores the power of words and the power of THE WORD!
The Sound of (Almost) Silence
All year, we say we look forward to the holidays…we count down days until Christmas…we put up our trees earlier and earlier…and some folks even move a silly little elf around the house…while reminding hyper and sometimes unruly children that a fat man in a red suit won’t bring presents unless the kids do their chores, mind their manners, and play nice with their siblings.
But really…it is all chaotic and just a lot. A lot of people. A lot of noise. A lot of travel. A lot of commitments. A lot of over-commitments. A lot of cooking…and let’s not forget the endless cleaning amid the holiday decor clutter.
We end up exhausted and needing a break from our holiday break.
Detour Ahead!
Have you ever stopped to take stock in your current situation? Sure, you might say. Of course, right?